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Volunteer Opportunities
We would not be able to support these families during their time of crisis without the help of our wonderful volunteers.
Volunteers play an important role with not only children in our care but also helping parents feel welcome. Many who come through our doors are dealing with major life decisions and it is our job to help ease that stress.
We can't do this alone. We would love to have you be a part of this.
What to expect: How do we care for the children?
One of our main requirements are that our volunteers keep in mind this is not a daycare. This is so much more. When you are here at the Nursery, you must be willing to think outside the box, treat children with respect and give them one on one attention. We may not know what type of situation they came from. There are no typical days here at the Nursery. There may be one child or seven. It can literally change from hour to hour. We believe in using an approach we learned through TBRI training and ask that all volunteers - whether you are cooking meals, or are solely caring for them, to adopt this while you are here.
Not familiar with TBRI?
See videos below.

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